Monday, November 12, 2012

A Week of Thanksgiving

I've decided to do a Thanksgiving special. The holiday's can be one of the hardest times of the year to stay strong as a glutard. I'm here to help! There are tons of resources out there with some really great gluten free recipes and menu ideas and I hope I can be a source of some of those. I'm going to try to post one recipe every day until Thanksgiving. Life gets a little crazy with a house full of kids and trying to keep up with all the holiday excitement myself, but I will do my best. I also want to continue in my endeavor to be more positive, so as I post the recipes I'll also do a small segment on what I'm grateful for.

Today I am grateful for my religion. As I was sitting in church the other day I realized that being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is who I am. It's who I've always been and who I always will be. My grandparents, great-grandparents and even my great, great, great grandparents (Brigham Young) were mormons, and I hope to pass along the sweet and simple testimony that this gospel has to offer to my children, and my grandchildren and so on. I know that God lives, and I know that He loves me and has a plan for us and for each of our lives. I know that especially when life is hard I can turn to my Savior for strenth and guidance. I'm grateful for the Book of Mormon, and the great lessons I've learned from it. I'm so very grateful for our wonderful prophet President Monson, who is the ideal example of charity. I'm also grateful for the testimonies of my friends and family, and the strength they have been to me throughout my life.

The first recipe I'm going to provide is actually one I made up on Saturday. I was trying to put some snacks together for the long drive up to the temple, and I quickly threw this together. Hopefully I've got the measurements right, if not leave a comment on the recipe if for some reason yours doesn't turn out, but I was quite pleased. So this could be an appetizer or just a sweet holiday snack to have around, OR it would also be an ideal gift for those of you who AREN'T glutards, to give to your glutarded friends. :)

Honey Cinnamon Chex Mix


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