So I've taken a little hiatus from my blog the past couple of weeks. I think I had the flu, all three of my kids had ear infections at one point or another, as well as some other sickness, teething, or other. And we had my in-laws come to visit. So it's been a bit of a crazy time for us.
I was laying in my bed the other night feeling angry. See when I get sick I get angry. I get mad at myself for touching whatever germ it was that got into my body. I get mad at my body for not being strong enough to fight it off. My husband RARELY if ever gets sick, so I get mad at him for being so healthy all the time. I get mad that my house is a complete disaster and I'm just too sick and tired to do anything about it. I feel awful when I pass the illness on to my kids, or visa versa. And I get mad when all the vitamins and suppliments I'm taking still aren't strong enough to kick it. Mad that the food today is so complicated and altered, sometimes I feel like everything that passes my lips could somehow or another be labelled as "bad for me." Basically I just get mad about life. So, point is I was mad, and for some strange reason I thought to myself, why can't we just live in the garden of eden. Perfect weather, all the food and plants there were perfect, Adam and Eve had perfect bodies, and life was just so simple and wonderful and easy! (I know totally random weird thought...)
Then I got to thinking that even though life was so great for them, they didn't even know how good they had it. And I remembered that the whole purpose of this life is to get a body, and experience it. Good and bad. Adam and Eve couldn't have kids either, and that's my whole life and existence right there. Kids. They had things so easy, and yet they didn't know what they were missing. So after that I tried to be more grateful and positive about how the past two weeks of sickness is just going to make me that much happier when I feel better! (if and when that ever happens.) And then the stomach aches and nausea and bloating have continued through all of this and I definitely lose my determination to stay positive.... anyway, through it all I have made some very delicious recipes. So I will get back on the Glutard Girl wagon and start getting some tasty food up here for ya! So that through our trials we might enjoy a few little things in life:)
First I did make mini banana muffins, but before I even had time to think about taking a picture they were devoured. Yeah that's how good they are, and I only got like 4-5:( (mini... remember) So I might wait to post those when I have a picture, since pictures make all the difference. But I did make my favorite fall staple for my freezer!